⭐ Les capsules de café Black idol contiennent une pépite d’antioxydants de thé vert (polyphénols) à des concentrations permettant d’obtenir des bénéfices santé.

🍃 Ces concentrations sont telles qu’il faudrait boire environ 2,5 litres de thé vert pour retrouver l’équivalent de ce qu’il y a dans 1 seule tasse de café Black idol.

☕ Notre café, conçu en collaboration avec des scientifiques, vous offre les arômes et le plaisir d'un grand café tout en améliorant votre santé.




This coffee is already very good.
I have been consuming it for several months and I notice greater ease in maintaining a healthy weight, especially after excesses during the holidays. As soon as I pay attention again I get my weight back much faster than before.


I have been using fat burner coffee for over 6 months
and I confirm its effectiveness in fat loss or at least weight stability which concerns me because I only “weigh” 70kg. Above all, I see a difference in terms of satiety which allows me to avoid snacking or eating more... and that is really very appreciable.

Frederic Ballou

Fast and efficient delivery service.
Taste of “fat burner” coffee without added sugar is very good. A real innovation mixing coffee with green tea, Nespresso compatible capsules and adaptable with the adapter: from the different DOLCE GUSTO coffee machines, suppresses the appetite for snacking more than weight loss, to be seen in the coming weeks.


Lover of good coffee, I had to try these Black idol capsules
especially since I'm still trying to keep a flat stomach despite being almost 60 years old... Well I must say that I'm more than delighted, it's incredible what this mixture can do for my daily health, I am more toned when I practice my sport of cycling with the added bonus of 1 kilo less in 20 days.

Greg Stone

Their coffees are delicious!
I have been taking them since the beginning of the year: they are part of my daily health ritual
moreover I point out a top team, very serious

Florence Joannes

It's delicious as coffee,
I tried it for the taste without expecting anything as a result, not only am I not disappointed with its taste but in one month I lost 3 kilos. I don't know what it does in the body but two doses in the morning, I no longer need coffee to get through the day.
Try it, objectively, it works 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Claire Rad

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Frequently Asked Questions

In what form are the antioxidants in the capsules?

The known benefits of green tea are all attributable to the powerful antioxidants (polyphenols) it contains, which make up about 5% of a green tea leaf.

It is only these precious antioxidants that you find in the capsule in the form of an incredible ultra-concentrated PEPITE.

This innovation required 3 years of Research and Development and we have filed several patents to protect this invention.

Each Black idol product offers you the concentration necessary to benefit from the desired effect.

With which machines are the Black idol capsules compatible?

Our capsules are compatible with all machines accepting Nespresso®* Original type coffee capsules (not Vertuo).
We also offer adapters allowing our capsules to be used on the majority of Dolce Gusto ®* machines.

*Brands belonging to a third party having no connection with Black idol SAS

Does the taste change from my usual coffee?

Black idol coffees are subtle and aromatic coffees which have a unique taste signature linked to the presence of green tea polyphenols.

How long before you see the effects?

Our coffees are aimed at those who want to take care of their body and their health in the long term through a simple and protective gesture associated with a moment of pleasure, that of tasting an exceptional coffee.

Black idol contributes to better daily hygiene.

The Japanese, whose life expectancy is the highest (81.2 years) in the world, have understood this well by consuming fish, little red meat and... a lot of green tea , throughout their lives.